Wednesday, May 14, 2014

MLB All Star Voting

The MLB All Star game has its place.

It gives players a much needed break from a complete grind for 162 games.

The Home Run derby can be exciting, emotional, and most times a giant dick measuring contest. You can’t tell me those guys aren’t chirping at each other saying they hit it further, higher, harder, and blah blah blah.

A real power move would be to write your phone number on the balls and aim for the breezies sitting in the outfield bleachers.

The All Star game itself is an absolute joke. It’s the most arbitrary thing to decide who gets home field advantage in the World Series. Might as well have a tickle fight on the diamond. You can’t tell me that players legitimately try. If anything the just try to go yard and pitchers want to do the damn thing and strike mother fuckers out.

All Star voting is rigged as shit too. You have people like this:

Just grabbing handfuls of ballots because they have no life and it gives them some downtime in between sewing together their next skin suit. That way they can throw the vote because they submitted 100,000 ballots with Robbie Grossman on it. Ridiculous.  

kevin frandsen

You want to vote for someone? Kevin Frandsen with the behind the back, no look catch. Brass balls and a horse cock move by an average player. Crab cakes, Football, and shit like this is what Maryland does. 

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