Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Nut Job Shitting on Houston Neighborhood

HOUSTON (CBS Houston) – Police are searching for a man who has repeatedly gone to the bathroom in people’s yards leaving a huge mess to clean up.

Residents in the Woodland Heights area are disgusted by an unidentified man who has repeatedly used the bathroom in people’s yards and even hit one specific home six times on Byrne Street. They claim he’s been leaving a nasty mess and they are tired of cleaning up after him.

“This is our neighborhood,” Aimee Parsons told KPRC. “Whatever people think should go on around here — pooping is not okay. We don’t want dogs pooping in our yards why would we want a human?  It is very strange.”

Another resident in the neighborhood is also fed up with the unidentified man.
“It’s definitely not a nice thing to do to people,” Patrick Reese, a neighbor who lives nearby, told KPRC. “Going to the bathroom in their driveway is not nice. That’s definitely not something that’s suppose to go on in polite society.”

A surveillance camera was placed in a tree to try and catch the man in the act. The camera caught several images depicting an older man who is balding with a mustache wearing shorts, KPRC reported.

Precinct One Constable deputies are actively searching for this man and explained that he will likely face an indecent exposure or criminal mischief charge, if caught.

Love the moxie from this nut job. Can’t tell if it’s some sort of revenge tactic or if he ran out of meds and never made it to Walgreens. He could be their neighbor and he’s doing it because no one came to his Labor Day BBQ last year. Or the most likely case; once the moon goes down his alter ego takes over, the Bald Bomber.

A dog leaving a steaming pile of shit in someone’s lawn is one thing, but when a human drops a deuce on your lawn, driveway or anything in between is just hilarious. You may be mad, but at the end of the day you’re going to look back and be like “Some crazy bastard took a shit on my lawn!” There’s a chance you never know who it is, but if Bob down the street with the lap dog that plops out a Prius on your lawn everyday and Bob doesn't pick it up, it's grounds for retaliation. 

He shit on some guy’s lawn 6 times? What the fuck did you do to this guy for him to shit on your lawn 6 times? When you find that special spot, you cherish it. I feel you dawg. 

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