The NFL overseers are at it again. Roger Goodell and his henchmen atop the non-profit National Football League, who accrued more the $9 billion in revenue in 2013, have decided that foul language can draw a 15 yard penalty this season. They've focused on trying to root out the word "nigger" along with other racial slurs from the grid iron. But is the NFL moving backwards by trying to move forwards?
Of course they are. This move isn't about tolerance and acceptance or sportsmanship. It's about the NFL trying to church up it's players so that the decent white folks of the mid west won't get scared. It's about power. Something Goodell has decided he's entitled to as the son of a United States Senator and recipient of a $44.2 million paycheck in 2012. It's also about the NFL trying to wash the jizz out of their hair after the Ritchie Incognito scandal. If they gave two fucks about race relations or equality in general they'd think twice about this move, forget about it, and then go figure out a way to hire more diverse coaches and refs (maybe even a women. Gasp!).
Football is violent sport played by adults. Adults who have earned the right to determine how they conduct themselves on and off the field. Not according to Roger. I think that watching white officials tell black athletes that they can't use the word nigger gives him a "Calvin Candie" type smile (see above). You can almost see a parody of this event playing out in your mind.
"Listen hear nigger and listen real good. Y'alls kind can't say that word no more!"
Roger and his morally bankrupt PR asshats have effectively said just that. They want to brighten the image of the NFL but not protect the players as they pretend. This is just another step in their plan to pad their pockets on the backs of athletes. They've got to tame the athletes for a "family" audience. It's about widening their viewership. Lets not forget their pandering attempt to draw more women fans by pimping themselves out to Susan G. Komen. Roger himself used to work in the PR department for the NFL and he hasn't forgotten his roots.
I can't wait to see the moment when Ed Hochuli dishes out the yellow rag on Richard Sherman for dropping a soft "r" at a teammate after an interception.
I also can't wait to see official Mike Carey (He's the black one you racists) have to drop a flag on Robert Griffin III for using the word.
Obviously, we as a society should move forward and away from cruel speech but it's not up to Roger Goodell to decide how and when certain words should be dropped from our vocabulary.
Nigga Please
*If you aren't mature enough to read the N word on paper, in a satirical blog piece, written by someone who could very well be african american or black, that's on you. I suggest you go to tumblr and complain.
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