Monday, April 14, 2014

Michael Phelps Quits Being a Quitter

So Michael Phelps is coming out of retirement in an attempt to win 20 more gold meals for America in Rio in 2016. Can't knock the hustle, guy can only get so much out of smoking weed all day and filming Subway commercials, probably bored as shit.

All everyone likes to talk about is how many calories Phelps eats to maintain his training, about 12,000 a day. So it got me thinking. If I could just eat one food to achieve that many calories in a day, what would it be? Easy answer: McDonald's fries. Love em, high in calories, and are easy to eat way too much of.


I did the math: how many large Mcdonald's fries would I need to achieve this?

12,000 / 500 calories for each large fry = 24 large fries. Holy hell, that's a lot of fries. Also works out to:

600 grams of fat
144 grams of protein
144 grams of fiber

Just think about that shit after. That's a lot of Katie Couric's.

I wonder how much it must suck to have to hang out with Jared all the time. Guy is a fuckin traitor to his people.

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