Monday, April 14, 2014

Somebody Get this Guy A Towel

The Braves and Phils are playing tonight. Just turned it on to see what the score was and the camera guy flashes to Roberto Hernandez on the mound. He is pitching in the heart of Atlanta's order, Upton (the good one) is at the plate, Gattis is on deck and Uggla is in the hole.

Guy looks like he just jumped in the Delaware River outside The Bank before he had to get back out for the bottom half. Like yeah it's humid, but get real right now. He's sweating buckets.

The brim of that hat is drenched. I thought there were some voodoo threads in those hats that wouldn’t allow sweat to do that. Like I’ve never seen something like that, must have thought he was palying hockey and decided he'd dump water in his helmet to cool off. Absolutely. Bananas. He’ll need a uniform change in between batters.

Bet $20 his post game interview looks like this, except instead of rooting for his team he is telling you how American he is and that he's really how old he now says he is.

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